22 November 2012

Sepia Saturday 153: Sisters, Sisters ...

White Christmas Anniversary Edition, Blu Ray DVD

"I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" with every blog post that I write.... Not dreaming of actually having a white Christmas but dreaming of the movie, White Christmas.  Every year at Thanksgiving, my sister, Mickey, and I would begin reading the TV guide for a listing of our favorite Christmas movies. Topping the list was 'White Christmas.' We watched 'White Christmas' on a black-and-white, 20-inch TV every year, singing along and shedding a few tears at the end each time.

White Christmas was inspired by the song by the same name. The song debuted in another of our favorite movies, Holiday Inn. With a score written by Irving Berlin, the singing and dancing is what makes White Christmas a classic. As soon as White Christmas became available on VHS, it was on my list and given as a gift to my sister. A few years later, White Christmas in DVD form was under my tree. I just now noticed that the Anniversary Edition is available as a Blu Ray DVD - Santa? Mickey?

Being sisters and musically inclined, my sister and I performed 'Sisters, Sisters' from White Christmas for anyone, anytime. Sadly for our audiences, our talent was not in vocal music. You can see Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen perform "Sisters, Sisters" on YouTube as well as a rendition of the same performance by Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye.

None of these compare to the spectacle my sister and I made singing about our sisterly love around the camp fire. No doubt our audience survived only because of the liquid refreshment they imbibed. My future brother-in-law could not believe our performance. Shaking his head, he remarked about our bravery (or was it stupidity?). I suppose we should feel lucky that there were no cameras present to permanently record our insanity.

With temperatures in the high 60s today, there is little chance of snow or even a Thanksgiving fire in the fireplace. Dreaming now of "Snow, Snow, Snow," another favorite song from White Christmas....

Mickey Warwick Sledding, photograph by Chet Warwick
Highlighted type links to further information or a YouTube video of a performance. Sepia Saturday had me reminiscing about good times with my sister. For more posts inspired by the photograph below, see Sepia Saturday 153. Which song was your favorite?

More on Warwicks:
1. Well Deserved Rest
2. Fiddling Around
3. Fish Tales
4. The Intrepid Postman and the Very Special Package
5. Let it Snow!
6. Mern Hopkins, Telephone Operator


  1. We love this movie! It's one of our Christmas favorites. The singing and dancing is fabulous! And after seeing the Sepia Saturday photo, I started thinking of this movie too.

    1. Isn't it interesting how different photos evoke different memories and how often they are the same for many of us.

  2. Danny Kaye is fab! White Christmas will be going into the DVD player tomorrow. We traditionally put up Christmas decorations on the Thanksgiving weekend.

  3. Just over a month to go and it's Christmas time again. Here Christmas is becoming increasingly important but first we have our own Santa viz. Sinterklaas celebrating his birthday on Sinterklaas Eve (December 5).
    Like Mickey we hope to enjoy some snow this year. Pity there were no cameras present at the camp fire...

    1. One of the things I love about Sepia Saturday is learning of holiday traditions around the world! I, for one, am glad there were no cameras present - particularly any with audio recording capability!

  4. Eek! Christmas is too far away to think of yet - much less start decorating!I admire you enthusiasm, though! LOL :)

    1. The holiday season always begins the day after Christmas for us. We will be putting out the decorations today and taking them down while watching football bowl games on January 1. I love the holiday season. Can't wait for it to start.

  5. I just started my Christmas preparations with cards. By making cards I find some Christmas spirit. I love Christmas movies as well.

    1. I bet the cards are lovely. More and more, my Christmas greetings come by email and even Facebook posts! One of my cousins makes beautiful cards and I look forward to seeing what she will do each year.

  6. I haven't seen White Christmas for years. Thanks for the reminder Liz. The Bing and Danny Sisters routine is hilarious.

    1. I loved seeing the version you posted as well. I hadn't seen that version of 'Sisters' before.

  7. Do you know Liz i don't think I've ever seen the film, I must look out for it. No snow, ever, here in Lanzarote, and I am glad for it! Lovely reminiscences of your sister too.

  8. I did not realize that the Christmas movies were shown so soon after Thanksgiving even then, I thiough this rushing the season's was a recent marketing phenomena. We had a balmy Thanksgiving too, 65 degrees but yesterday the temps dropped to 31, brr. Winter will be here soon enough. White Christmas is an all time favorite for me too. I have it on an old VHS which plays on nothing in our home, guess I have to invest in a DVD. As for snow, I can wait, it will be here soon enough....enjoyed the nostalgia

    1. I absolutely refused to start the holiday any sooner than AFTER Thanksgiving. I was surprised that Walmart and others opened their doors on what has always been a family day.

      Snow arrives Tuesday for us. I suppose that means I should finish the last bit of leaf raking. :)

  9. Welcome back Nell! I've missed you.

    I hope you enjoy the film; it is great fun with a little nostalgic look at past glories in the military thrown in. It seems we have another generation facing civilian life after long tours of military duty.

    Lanzarote sounds like the place to be in the winter or anytime. I did a Google image search and who should I see posting an image, our own Alan Burnett!

  10. White Christmas is one of my favorites too. To kick off the holiday season, I like to watch White Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life. I hope to watch both of them some time this week. Cute picture of your little sister!

  11. I always like the White Christmas song, but I didn't know about the Sisters song.

  12. One of the best old time goodies this movie is! Forever! I liked Rosemary and her singing a lot- but I even adore her darling most handsome nephew George even more!

    1. They are both from Cincinnati. I've even seen George before but it took my husband to point him out!

  13. I've just returned from our holiday feast, and on Thanksgiving Day all we found to watch was a 24 hour marathon of the Godfather trilogy. Not really a Christmas classic. In my memory it was the Wizard of Oz that was the holiday perennial. It was many years until we acquired a color TV that I discovered that it was in sepia AND color! There were two sisters in that too, but maybe not the nice kind.

    1. I didn't realize until much later that White Christmas was in color. What a shock! Most of the movie was enhanced by the colors but in other ways, color dates the film.

  14. We're big fans of both "White Christmas" and "Holiday Inn" and have both on DVD. Of course, we enjoy the music and dancing, but 2 things ALWAYS crack us up: Bing Crosby whistling behind the Christmas tree ("HI") and the discussion of liverwurst and buttermilk at the "Vermont smorgasbord" ("WC").

    1. Oh yes! The Vermont smorgasbord is a classic scene. There are so many great songs and scenes that it is hard to pick a favorite.

  15. No snow here in Southern California. It's been in the 80s. The only way we'll get a White Christmas is to watch the movie!

  16. Oh! That is just great. I wish I'd known about that one when I had little ones. :)

  17. What a pity there were no cameras present! You could always put on a performance this year and get evidence! Jo

  18. Anotgher perfect example of what Sepia Saturday is all about. Elegant links between the theme image, your image and the story behind it, making a lovely post.

    1. Welcome back from your foray into the depths of tech last week! Your words of encouragement are always appreciated.

  19. Ah, siblings, something I'll never know what it is like to have.
    If you want to know which song(s) I like,
    you can go here, at the bottom of that post:


    It's a SS post I wrote a couple of years ago and the songs are by a Canadian singer popular in the '50s and 60s..

    Lucky for you you didn't practice your songs like nowadays, because it would already be on YouTube, or something, for sure...


Comments welcome!